4. A mermaid knows no borders: Leni Alvarez in Mexico City
Her Bit of Madness - A podcast by Miki

There are people I meet and I wonder “Wait, did I know you…in another life?” Leni is one of these people! She and Maggie are the hosts of the podcast Pochas So What, a platform for the deported and returned community. She is now an activist on migrant rights in Mexico City after she was forcefully returned when she was 16. Leni is also a part-time mermaid (!!!!!!!) You can reach Leni via Instagram @pochassowhat. Access the full interview transcription here (https://www.herbitofmadness.com) and support my work on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/herbitofmadness)!! Thank you Oh My Rita! for the podcast music. You are my sunshine:)