59. Let’s Talk About SEX With Sexologist, Dr. Megan Stubbs 💦

Her Vibe Is Pretty - A podcast by Sarah Harken & Mary Ochsner


Welcome back to another week of Her Vibe Is Pretty! Sex & money are two things that society implies we should all desire, but aren't talked about very often. How are we supposed to invite these pleasurable parts of life into our experiences if we know nothing about them?? We're here to help break the stigma around these topics and start to normalize the conversations.In this episode, Mary interviews Sexologist, Dr. Megan Stubbs. She asked Megan some amazing questions that will introduce you to this topic in a fun, light-hearted way! In this episode, you’ll hear Dr. Megan answer these very relatable questions:What could someone do to feel more comfortable when exploring their own sexual desires, whether they’re in a relationship or single?HOW does one have these conversations with another person? How do I voice what I desire? How do I feel more empowered in my sex life, whether single or in a relationship?What do I do if I’m feeling stuck in a routine/a rut with my partner in bed?What’s your take on talking dirty in bed? What do I do if I’m lacking in my sex drive?What advice do you have for someone who is insecure about their body and what they look like during sex?Common stereotypes you hear about people who are single?If someone is single and feeling down in the dumps about it, what steps can they take to build confidence and a relationship with themselves?Megan’s book, Playing Without A Partner, is out now! Click Here to order!Let's. Get. VIBEY! CONNECT WITH DR. MEGAN:WebsiteInstagramBookWe want to hear from you! Share your biggest takeaway in the Her Vibe is Pretty Community on Facebook!Click here to join: Her Vibe is Pretty PodcastDM & Tag us on Instagram!@sarahjeanharken@maryochsner@hervibeisprettypodcastORSend us an email at:[email protected]