63. How To Be HAPPY With Life When You’re NOT HAPPY With Life 😅

Her Vibe Is Pretty - A podcast by Sarah Harken & Mary Ochsner


"How can I feel contentment & happiness in life when I'm not where I want to be?" - This is a GREAT question that the minds commonly ask while on this journey to creating our dream lives.  In this episode, the girls address it & share how they create joy along the way!LET'S. GET. V I B E Y. Links:Sarah’s 12 Week Course for overcoming destructive habits and beating bingeing (food, Netflix, social media, whatever your vice may be)Mary Yoga App - create a consistent yoga practice & change your lifeWe want to hear from you! Share your biggest takeaway in the Her Vibe is Pretty Community on Facebook!Click here to join: Her Vibe is Pretty PodcastDM & Tag us on Instagram!@sarahjeanharken@maryochsner@hervibeisprettypodcastORSend us an email at:[email protected]