1. Hi, I’m Anxious! How I went from High-Stress and Anxious to Anxiety Warrior
Hi I’m Anxious - Over-functioning, anxiety management, high achieving women, anxiety, overthinking, perfectionism - A podcast by Katy Dahl - Anxiety Management Mentor, Overcomer - Mondays

Hi friend! Today I am sharing a little bit about me, my background, and how I have struggled with worry and stress. I’ll talk about being achievement oriented as a way to deal with anxiety, and how I felt like there was something wrong with me. I also share that I did have an official diagnosis. I share these things, because I know you are dealing with some of these things too, and that you can relate to my struggles with anxiety, and also with achieving or doing more as a way to deal with stress and anxiety. I also share the three biggest things that have helped me in my journey to overcome anxiety. I hope you find some relief in recognizing yourself in my journey, because you are not alone friend! Wishing you freedom to live the life you want despite anxiety, Katy Connect with me at [email protected]