30. Is trying to control a go to strategy to cope with your anxiety? Three ways you can let go and find relief from anxiety, panic, and overwhelm.
Hi I’m Anxious - Over-functioning, anxiety management, high achieving women, anxiety, overthinking, perfectionism - A podcast by Katy Dahl - Anxiety Management Mentor, Overcomer - Mondays

Do you catch yourself using control as a way to manage your anxiety? My anxious brain likes to tell me lies. I catch all kinds of these lies like: If I don’t do it, it won’t be done right. I can’t ask for help because I should be able to handle this myself. I’ll rest after I take care of everything on my to-do list. If I give in to this person on this one thing, then they’ll run all over me all the time. What happens next, anxious friend, after your anxious brain tells you lies like these? Does it try to solve these problems, typically by offering use of unhelpful coping mechanisms, like controlling behavior? If this resonates with you, this episode is for you. I hope this episode helps you, friend! Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety, Katy P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you! Join the community -> Facebook Connect with me at [email protected] **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**