31. Tired of beating yourself up over not meeting your unrealistic goals, schedule, and to-do list? Try this strategy to get relief NOW.

Hi I’m Anxious - Over-functioning, anxiety management, high achieving women, anxiety, overthinking, perfectionism - A podcast by Katy Dahl - Anxiety Management Mentor, Overcomer - Mondays


Do you catch yourself using control as a way to manage your anxiety? Do you regularly pull out your beautiful planner, and spend time writing down unrealistic goals for yourself? Do you set up your calendar with a schedule that is impossible to follow? Do you create to-do lists that are totally impractical? And then - do you shame or beat yourself up for not meeting your goals, following your calendar to the minute, or completing your to-do list? As anxious high achievers, we’re hard on ourselves, right? If you’re shaming or beating yourself up for not meeting your goals, following your calendar to the minute, or completing your to-do list - then my guess is that this self-flagellation is completely unwarranted, not to mention, unhelpful. Beating yourself up is completely counterproductive, and I think deep down you know that, right? So, instead, I’d like to offer you one strategy to try instead. If this resonates with you, this episode is for you. I hope this episode helps you, friend! Wishing you freedom to live the life you want, despite anxiety, Katy P.S. Would you please leave me a podcast review on Apple podcasts? I would be so grateful if you would take the time to rate and leave me a review - it helps others find me, and I love to hear from you! It helps me know what you want to hear so I can create shows for you! Join the community -> Facebook Connect with me at [email protected] **Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this podcast is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Contents of the podcast are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your health care provider with your health questions and concerns.**