Suzanne Gordon, Ph.D. / interview

hidden experience audio - A podcast by Mike Clelland


Suzanne Gordon speaks about her research into the Near Death Experience (NDE) something she has experienced herself.  During the interview she listed off some things reported as after effects to the NDE. Everything on this checklist closely matches what is being reported by people who claim UFO abductions, enough so that I realized I needed to talk with her. She even described these folks as suffering from the trauma of enlightenment, that was something that really hit home for me.The audio posted here wasn’t meant to be a public podcast, it was just our initial hello after exchanging a few emails. By the end of two hours we both realized that we had achieved something really powerful. I am amazed at how deep we managed to dig during our conversation and I am so glad I recorded it.During our conversation she uses an acronym I had never heard before, but I like a lot. She referred to STEs (Spiritually Transformative Experiences). (link)