Psalm 113 Jonathan, Amanda and Emmy Noel sing "Magnify"
Hidden Streams - A podcast by 1517 Podcasts
Who is like the Lord our God, who raise the poor from the dust. A beautiful meditation from Chad Bird and wonderful song from Jonathan, Amanda and Emmy Noel. Show Notes: Support 1517 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Available Now: Encouragement for Motherhood Edited by Katie Koplin Pre-order: Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride Through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament by Chad Bird 30 Minutes in the NT on Youtube Remembering Rod Rosenbladt Available Now: Be Thou My Song by Kerri Tom More from the hosts: Chad Bird Lyrics to Psalm 113 From the glories of heaven, Whom do you see? The proud and the lofty Or the bended knee? Lowly and poor You know me by name You hear my cry You feel my pain Hallelujah Hallelujah From the rising of the sun Til the end of the day May the name of the Lord Receive all praise You raise the poor You lift up the weak You fill us with joy To that we can sing Hallelujah Hallelujah Magnify the Lord forever O my soul, O my soul Welcomed to the banquet seated at Your table O my soul, O my soul Magnify the Lord forever. Through all generations You are good and gracious Magnify the Lord forever O my soul Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! Who looks with compassion Upon the barren woman Surrounds her with children Her heart overflows