Episode 69 - You Will Never Find a More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy | Oathbringer - Chapters 21-23

Highly Invested: A Brandon Sanderson Cosmere Podcast - A podcast by Highly Invested


Season 5 Episode 8 Hi Cremlings and welcome back! On this episode Shallan and Adolin meet with Ialai to discuss the murder of Torol Sadeas, Mraize makes a guest appearance, and Kaladin has a brief talk with the new spren that leads the Singers. 08:52 - Chapter 21 19:13 - Chapter 22 34:53 - Chapter 23 41:34 - Awards 47:05 - Spoiler Section Link to Best Betsy Playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4aj1YIIJKg7ETPwPjvwhUh?si=LVsvIKsGSgmW8qqFOVLCgA&pi=u-j7OMbVclQyqm