1.5. The Arab Cold War. Arabia since the 50s

History of Asia - A podcast by Kristof


Why are some places rich, while others are poor? Why is Abu Dhabi rich, and Aden poor? You cannot answer such questions simply by looking at geography, culture or the economy. History is a necessary part of the explanation. And today's story is a perfect illustration. For around 1950, Abu Dhabi was poor, and Aden's port was prospering. In the subsequent decades, they changed places. That is the story of this show.  Our focus will be on the east and south of Arabia for a change. We'll see how the stability of Yemen was undermined by forces such as decolonization, Arab nationalism and the Cold War. Out of the civil war emerged two very different Yemens, both of them instable. This served as a warning for the states on the east coast. They did manage to consolidate and prosper.