#153 - A Process Perspective on Human Life: John Dupré on Panpsychism, Holobionts, the Paradoxes of Speciation, Dynamics of Human Evolution, Theseus's Ship, and Processual Mechanics

History of Philosophy Audio Archive - A podcast by William Engels | Podcaster @ https://Patreon.com/HemlockPatreon


Come join my Patreon! https://patreon.com/HemlockPatreon “Change’ is the description of the adventures of eternal objects in the evolving universe of actual things.” ― Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality  Table of Contents: (00:00:00) - Intro (00:06:05) - Why All Life is Process (00:57:00) - Evolution (01:50:03) - Humans and their Fellow Travelers (02:40:55) - Personal Identity (03:29:03) - Human Nature and Human Kinds (04:22:27) - Free Will -//- Links: YouTube Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk7ofv8uXTXKArPNO3_ATFepVNVrSfHMN&si=dZ8Im6EBhr4gc_rO Original YouTube Page (University of Edinburgh): https://www.youtube.com/@EdinburghUniversity Gifford Lectures Info Page for Dupré: https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/gifford-lectures/2023/05/02/john-dupre-a-world-of-things