Hemlock #8 - Rituals of Fire: Astika Royal Mason on Symbols of Spiritual Transformation, the Internalization of Religious Ceremonies, Developing Spiritual Maturity, and Buddhism's Reaction to Hinduism

History of Philosophy Audio Archive - A podcast by William Engels | Podcaster @ https://Patreon.com/HemlockPatreon


Buy Astika's book while you still can! https://a.co/d/bggZEtW Come join my Patreon! https://patreon.com/HemlockPatreon “He no longer cared to live in a house, and he rose once more into the air, this time on the breath of a breeze so sheer and transparent not even the gods felt it. This is the wind that further frees even the free. As his soul rose on that wind, it seemed to expand and flow out in all directions at once. Rising steadily upward, he passed through the arched windows of that celestial mansion and began a journey that would penetrate even the most distant, the most veiled mysteries of heaven. He slipped stealthfully across secret skies, across worlds and all their skies, growing deeper and wider as he did so, traveling beyond the starry reach of any sky, of any universe, to a place where no one could follow. There, lost in the divine and infinite distances of nothingness itself, he too disappeared, his last breath released, like a luminous song, into the void of a transcendent eternity.”-Astika Royal Mason, A Dream Immortal, 2023 References: “From Here to Enlightenment” - HH the Dalai Lama https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12505636-from-here-to-enlightenment Ardor - Roberto Calasso https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/134839029-ardor-by-roberto-calasso The Mirror of Simple Souls - Marguerite Porete https://youtu.be/HvivvGZydFA Agni in Hinduism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agni Rig Veda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigveda