3 // An Actor's Passion and Pursuit

Hollywood is Dead - A podcast by Tyler Lockamy of Archetype Pictures


Ever sat around a campfire amazed by tales of dreams pursued and challenges conquered? That’s the journey we embark on this episode. Picture a young kid putting on Christmas plays with his brother, eyes sparkling with passion, morphing into an actor stepping onto the stage for the first time for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. From then on, it's all about chasing the dream, traversing the road to LA with merely a suitcase of dreams and a head full of dedication. Unearth the magic hidden in scripts, the allure of roles, and the adrenaline rush of performing. Hear about the time I had the audience in stitches during the musical Spamalot, and how comedy in theater continues to be my favorite. There’s more than just reminiscing though - we delve into the nitty-gritty of acting and filmmaking, the highs, the lows, and the in-betweens. Get ready to hear about a recent film project that makes my heart swell with pride and my aspirations for the future.Dive headfirst into the world of acting and filmmaking with us. Step into my shoes and walk down the memory lane, from my humble beginnings to the city of stars. Glimpse into the future, where new merch, projects, and more await. Don't forget to connect with me on Instagram and check out the Hollywood is Dead YouTube page for a video of this episode. Let's roll!Support the Show.