Jeremy Fackenthal: History & the Messianic in Walter Benjamin

Homebrewed Christianity - A podcast by Dr. Tripp Fuller

In this episode, I am joined by philosopher, filmmaker, and longtime friend Dr. Jeremy Fackenthal as we dive into the intricate philosophy of Walter Benjamin. We explore memory, history, suffering, and the weak messianic power that empowers us to redeem the past through remembrance. We also touch on the implications of Benjamin's thought for understanding the revolutionary potential in our present moment. Tune in for a nerdy, stimulating conversation that bridges theology and philosophy, grounded in historical materialism and some fun memories from our PhD days. You can WATCH this conversation on YouTube. Jeremy Fackenthal is a philosopher, non-profit director, and filmmaker living in San Diego, CA. He holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology from Claremont Graduate University. He was previously director for Toward Ecological Civilization. He has shot and edited a number of films, including Spitting Fire, a short documentary produced in conjunction with ARC and a grant through Yale Divinity School. Jeremy researches and writes in the areas of process thought, theopoetics, and critical theory. He co-edited Theopoetic Folds: Philosophizing Multifariousness and Whitehead and Continental Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: Dislocations and is currently beginning a documentary film on the relevance of Walter Benjamin for the 21st century.  A Five-Week Online Lenten Class w/ John Dominic Crossan Join us for a transformative 5-week Lenten journey on "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World."This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time. Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul’s theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil. . For details and to sign-up for any donation, including 0, head over here. Lexington Theological Seminary is the sponsor for this Episode. Lexington Theological Seminary is a pioneer in online theological education. Both the Doctoral and Masters programs are designed with the flexibility and contextual focus needed for the working student. You can learn more by heading here. Here are a few episodes with a couple of their Profs Leah Schade & Wilson Dickinson: Faith During an Ecological Collapse Leah Schade: Preaching in a time of Crisis from Corona to Climate Wilson Dickinson: Faith After a Neo-liberal Compliant Church _____________________ Join our class - TRUTH IN TOUGH TIMES: Global Voices of Liberation This podcast is a Homebrewed Christianity production. Follow the Homebrewed Christianity, Theology Nerd Throwdown, & The Rise of Bonhoeffer podcasts for more theological goodness for your earbuds. Join over 80,000 other people by joining our Substack - Process This! Get instant access to over 45 classes at Follow the podcast, drop a review, send feedback/questions or become a member of the HBC Community. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit