#48 Designer at a fast-growing startup

Honest UX Talks - A podcast by Anfisa Bogomolova & Ioana Teleanu - Tuesdays


• Difference between working at fast-growing PRE-IPO companies, enterprise companies and early stage startups. • Positive and negative aspects of working at PRE-IPO companies.  • Top 6 takeaways and tips This Episode's sponsor: 💻 3D Design tool Spline  ❓Next topic ideas: Submit your questions or feedback anonymously here Links: 🎓 Into UX design online course by Anfisa 🎓 Mento academy Bootcamp by Ioana 🧡 Want to support us? Sign up here to get access to exclusive locked episodes for $0.99/mo Follow us on Instagram to stay tuned for the next episodes. 🗂 Our instagram 👩‍💻 Anfisa’s instagram 👩🏻‍💻 Ioana’s instagram