Honor.The.Gift Podcast - A podcast by Honor.The.Gift - Tuesdays


Real leadership comes from within. It’s only when we make a deep commitment to personal growth, that we’ll begin to see and feel alignment with the world around us. Secondly, within each of us resides a spirit of aspiration and improvement. We strive for more. We yearn for better. Sometimes…we unleash the hounds, while other times we snaffle any action towards improvement. We take the easy road, and well…we just don’t.  IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE, I share some of my thoughts around this question: WHAT ABOUT TODAY? It’s the premise and opportunity for us all as we lean into the next 60 days of the year to be “in momentum” as we begin another year on this planet. As you seize the opportunities before you with reverence and zeal, may you find wild success in the tomorrows initiated each day. May you find yourself IN momentum, with high energy, as opposed to thumbing it on the roadside when the new year arrives. It’s your time. Let’s do this!