Honor.The.Gift Podcast - A podcast by Honor.The.Gift - Tuesdays


As I step forward, I can feel the dirt under my feet as it grinds and shifts. I walk slowly to the base of what was so eloquently coined the “pamper pole.” Up to this point in my life I had lived much of it in full on duplicity. Hiding from those I loved a life that was filled with darkness, betrayal, deceit, hypocrisy and ego; a life not well lived; a life with no honor to those I loved and served. I was broken, and yet I knew all along the life I had chosen was never going to get me where I wanted to go.  On this day my leap would prove to be a token of commitment towards living true. The choice to let go of a life of hypocrisy and selfishness and to dive headfirst into the unknown of consequence for my past was fully present. What would unfold over the next 48 hours would be the start of a miracle that still lives today.   IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE, I share with you the Introduction to the book I’ve been writing, titled UNLOCKED: The 5 Keys to Living True in Life and in Business.  This book has been a long standing passion project for me. If you’ve ever toyed with the notion of being completely honest with who you are and how you exist, and know that something better lies on the other side of this duality, you’ll want to tune in, and stay tuned in for much more to come on the act of being called “LIVING TRUE.”