Honor.The.Gift Podcast - A podcast by Honor.The.Gift - Tuesdays


Werner Erhard defined personal power as: "...a function of the rate at which you translate intention into reality. Most of us disempower ourselves by finding a way to slow, impede, or make more complex than necessary the process of translating intention into reality." Eventually, there's no escaping the big questions: What's my best life? What do I believe in? Where do I belong? IN THIS WEEK’S EPISODE, it's time for a little check in and some deeper conversation around the notion of YOUR GREATEST WORK. When things get messy and the moment seems to call you back to the familiarity of the First Mountain, I hope you’ll find a drive within that helps you recall your north star and gives you the quiet confidence to walk the road towards your Second Mountain. I believe that each one of us will find great meaning and purpose in the gnarled and unfamiliar path that takes you to the beginning of your grand opus. Join me in the conversation, and if you like it, leave a comment or rating on the show. Share it on social. Pass along what resonated with you so that perhaps it might help someone else. Spread good. Be a part of the change this world is calling for right now.