Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 198: The Beach House (2020) and Becky (2020) and Blood Quantum (2020) and The Hunt (2020) and Vivarium (2020) and more!
Horror Movie Podcast - A podcast by Jay of the Dead

Welcome to HORROR MOVIE PODCAST, where we’re Dead Serious About Horror Movies. Episode 198 is another Frankensteinian episode where your horror hosts—Dr. Shock, Wolfman Josh, and Gillman Joel—bring you spoiler-free Feature Reviews of The Beach House (2020), Becky (2020), and Vivarium (2020). We also have several mini-reviews for you, including 1BR (2020), After Midnight (2020), Blood Quantum (2020), The Hunt (2020), Porno (2020), Scare Package (2020) and Zombie For Sale (2020). If you’d like to support our show, try a 30-day free trial of SHUDDER with Promo Code: HMP It costs you nothing and helps us a lot! Also, please subscribe to our podcast and leave a review! Or just tell a friend. We’d really appreciate it. Thanks for your support and thanks for listening to Horror Movie Podcast, where we’re Dead Serious About Horror Movies! SHOW NOTES: I. Introduction —Halloween Kills delayed —Movie releases in the time of Covid —Jaws 4K and Underwater digital download winners: JasonXXX, Swaycious, The Evil Pat, and Brandon S. Email us to collect your prizes! —Wolfman’s Legend of the Bear Lake Monster crowd-funding campaign moved to IndieGoGo [ 0:20:50 ] II. Feature Review: BECKY (2020) Gillman Joel: 8.5/10 ( Buy it! ) [ 0:29:48 ] III. Feature Review: VIVARIUM (2020) Dr. Shock 8.5/10 ( Rent it! ) [ 0:39:50 ] IV. Feature Review: THE BEACH HOUSE (2020) Wolfman Josh: 7.5/10 ( Stream it on Shudder! ) [ 0:50:42 ] V. Mini Reviews: [ 0:50:48 ] 1BR (2020) Wolfman Josh 7.5/10 ( Rent it! ) Dr. Shock: 7.5/10 ( Rent it! ) [ 1:01:30 ] BLOOD QUANTUM (2020) Wolfman Josh: 8.5/10 ( Stream it on Shudder! / Buy it when available! ) [ 1:15:04 ] AFTER MIDNIGHT (2020) Dr. Shock: 7.5/10 ( Rent it! ) [ 1:22:06 ] THE HUNT (2020) Gillman Joel: 9/10 ( Rent it / Buy it / Do whatever you want to do to it! ) Dr. Shock: 9/10 ( Rent it! ) [ 1:31:25 ] PORNO (2020) Wolfman Josh: 7/10 ( Rental for Horror-Comedy fans ) [ 1:35:44 ] ZOMBIE FOR SALE (2020) Dr. Shock: 8.5/10 ( Rent it! ) [ 1:42:00 ] SCARE PACKAGE (2020) Wolfman Josh: 4.5/10 ( Avoid ) VI. Wrap-Up / Plugs / Ending -Outtakes JOIN US NEXT TIME ON HMP: Episode 199 our “New York State of Grime” episode! NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: If you like this podcast, you can find all of our previous episode here on the website, with direct links to our themed episodes and franchise reviews on the sidebar. Just scroll back through our archives, or use the links in the sidebar. LINKS FOR THIS EPISODE: —Support the show and enjoy a 30-day free trial of SHUDDER with Promo Code: HMP —Become a Movie Podcast Network Patron: SUBSCRIBE AT PATREON! —Get a Horror Movie Podcast T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sticker, or Mug: ORDER AT TEE SPRING! -Special thanks goes out to singer-songwriter Frederick Ingram for the use of his music for the original Horror Movie Podcast theme and