#139 I Know Who Killed Me (2007) with Bodacious Bri and Niah
Horror Soup: A Horror Movie Podcast - A podcast by Caleb Soup

Lindsay Lohan is a one legged stripper and her dad is Damien Darhk from the Arrow. The story is out of order, the acting is awful, and the eople involved were blacklisted from Hollywood because of what a terrible failure this was. It won awards... For failing. I still don't know who "killed her". December's movie poll inquiry is up for donators of any tier! Head over to patreon.com/horrorsoup and vote for the "Worst Horror Movie" that we will discuss on the show! Gain access to bonus episodes (this month is Cats), watch me watch trailers, watch movies with me, check out bonus Amityville & I'll Suck Your Blood content, vote on polls, and much more on patreon.com/horrorsoup Email movie suggestions to horrormovierequests@yahoo.com For business & other inquiries: horrorsoup@yahoo.com Instagram @horrorsoup (Niah @notyogirlfriend) (Bri @bakedd_potato) Twitter: @horrorsoupsucks Letterboxd: @horrorsoupcaleb Music for Horror Soup has been done by Sonissam, Astroblk, and currently Ross Lee & The Mutant Members Only Club.