Exploring the Gospels - the five loaves and the two fishes
House of Israel U.K - A podcast by House of Israel U.K
The purpose of Yeshua’s threefold teaching methodology is to subscribe his disciples into citizenry of the Kingdom of YeHoVaH, through: heeding what he said; observing what he did; and replicating it. In subscribing to his discipleship methodology, those who follow him are naturalised into a Kingdom that remains a mystery unto those not called, chosen or who’re unwilling to forsake all to journey down the road of transformation. It is through the enactment of the protocols of the Kingdom, which Yeshua teaches, demonstrates and commands his disciples to enact, that they undergo a spiritual adoption, unrobing themselves from the yoke of a carnal identity, unto being children of the Most High, just as the one they follow.