Silver Economy with CMOs Melissa Hobley (OkCupid), Brendan Delaney (Booz Allen Commercial Business), Katrina McGhee (American Heart Association), Mai Fenton (Superscript) and Deborah Scarano (Pfizer)

How CMOs Commit with Margaret Molloy - A podcast by Margaret Molloy


S2 E7: November 18th, 2020. Margaret Molloy is joined by Melissa Hobley (CMO, OkCupid), Brendan Delaney (CMO, Booz Allen Commercial Business), Katrina McGhee (EVP, Marketing & Communications, American Heart Association), Mai Fenton (CMO, Superscript), Deborah Scarano (VP, Senior Launch Navigator, Pfizer). The panel explores how brands impress or alienate the generation of baby boomers, where seniors go for inspiration and what brands are getting it right. CMOs also share their commitments by answering the following question: What were your takeaways, and what is your commitment as a marketer to appeal to this generation?