#40 - Azhelle Wade on the Toy Economy
How Did You Learn That? - A podcast by Andrew Barry

Joining me this week is Azhelle Wade. Azhelle has had a career that spans across the toy industry, working as a toy entrepreneur and a toy inventor. Today, she helps the toy curious and toy experts turn their ideas into profitable products.Her journey as a creator began with a podcast, she then founded a costume company before creating her current, and most successful brand, the Toy Coach.We touched on some very interesting topics in this conversation- everything from understanding the toy industry to learning about entrepreneurship, to figuring out how to turn an idea into a product.We also talked about the importance of getting used to your ideas changing. It happens all the time in the toy industry, as well as in so many other industries, especially in these shifting times. For early creators, it can be quite a challenge to let go of the ego and to allow the idea to be molded and shaped into something that buyers would actually buy. I learned so much from talking to Azhelle and I'm sure you will, too.Please enjoy my conversation with Azhelle Wade.👉 Are you an expert? Want to create your own online course?💌 Start right here with my 2-week actionable email course: coursecreator.studio/email