129. A New Tool to Help You with Parenting Schedules
How Not To Suck At Divorce - A podcast by Morgan Stogsdill and Andrea Rappaport

In this episode, we're diving into the difficult and emotional topic of creating a custody schedule. Whether you’re just beginning the divorce process or in the thick of it, figuring out the best arrangement for your children while managing your own emotions can feel overwhelming. We’re here to help you break it down, with guidance from family law attorney and mediator Rebecca Parra. Rebecca brings a wealth of experience in creating custody plans and offers practical tools to help you make the best decisions for your family.In this episode, we answer questions like:What are the biggest challenges parents face when creating a custody plan?How can the new Custody Navigator tool help visualize and plan your custody schedule?What creative custody arrangements can be used for non-traditional work schedules?How do factors like child support affect custody agreements?What can you expect from mediation, and how can it help you come to a peaceful resolution?Our Divorce Crash Course was designed to hold your hand through the process and help you avoid major and expensive mistakes. Learn more here: https://www.hownottosuckatdivorce.com/divorce-crash-courseOur Family Wizard is another fantasitc resource for those who need help navigating the "fun" world of coparenting. Head to this landing page to see how we work closely with them to support our listeners! http://www.ourfamilywizard.com/notsuckFriends, slide into our dms, we love love love hearing from you. We are always here to listen and help in any way we can. You've got this and we've got you.Instagram: @hownotosuckatdivorceFollow Andrea: @theandrearappaportFollow Morgan: @divorceattorneychicago