59. Divorce Support for MEN

How Not To Suck At Divorce - A podcast by Morgan Stogsdill and Andrea Rappaport

Okay, boys, this one's for you! But girls, you should listen, too. There's some really helpful information given that we could all use! It's not just women who need community during a divorce. And it's often harder for men to ask for help.  On this episode we talk to Mike Rosen, who hosts a virtual support group,(that doesn't suck), weekly, through a non profit organization called Men Living. The power of knowing that you're not alone can help move somebody forward that's exactly why this group exists. Mike equates the group to an "umbrella in a rainstorm"...and we ALL could use an umbrella in a rainstorm.  So what's stopping you from checking this group out???  You can just listen on your first call, if that makes you feel more comfortable. This group is guys, just like you, from all around the world, here to vent, share, and help eachother through an exhuasting process.  Be proactive and start the process of feeling better. And don't worry, this group is completely FREE. NO strings, NO scams. Click the link below the calendar page on the Men Living site. The group is held on Tuesday nights. When you click on the "VIRTUAL CALL – SEPARATION/DIVORCE SUPPORTSUPPORT FOR THOSE WHO ARE TOUCHED BY SEPARATION/DIVORCE" there will be a place for you to register.  https://menliving.org/calendar-now/   So if you are wondering: Is there a divorce support group for men? How can men get free therapy? Where can I find a virtual support group for divorce? LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE!   And remember to add yourself to our PRIVATE communites: http://www.patreon.com/hownototsuckatdivorce http://www.facebook.com/thehownottosuckatdivorcecommunity And follow us on Instagram! http://www.instagram.com/hownottosuckatdivorce