156. How To Be Awesome At Caring Less About Shit That Doesn’t Matter
How To Be Awesome At Everything - A podcast by Lindsay Dickhout
How To Be Awesome At Caring Less About Shit That Doesn’t Matter THIS is your pep talk for when you are caring too much about things don’t really matter, or things from the past that you can’t change, or anything else that consumes your minutes and keeps you up and night that you must let go. Before we get into, if cussing bugs you, this is not the podcast episode for you. But if you don’t mind it, and understand it’s absolutely essential in getting this message across, stick with us. We’re talking about how to train ourselves to use one of my favorite tools when things irritate us… inhale the good shit and exhale the bad shit. It really works. We’re talking about one of Lindsays's favorite books by Mark Manson, The Simple Art Of Not Giving A Fuck and how we must realize that anything we give our time and attention to is something else that we don’t have time for. And that something else is stuff that makes you HAPPY and feel live and grow and learn and adventure… all the good stuff. So, grab all your mental baggage and come with Lindsay on this podcast episode all about letting it go. Here are some key points that Lindsay talks about: -Your past does not determine what your future will be like and it’s not who you are! -Forgive yourself and other people and move on. -Shake off the daily little stuff that’s irritating. -Stop blaming - there is so much power in thinking it’s all your fault. -Think about your fucks like coins in your purse. You only have so many to give. -What do you really care about?? If it doesn’t fall under that, LET IT GO. -We need some sort of struggle in our life- the key is finding the good struggles that feel important to you. That’s where meaning comes from and that’s what we all need. CHOOSE YOUR PROBLEMS. -If you feel stuck, it’s because you feel like you don’t have the power to solve it. But you always have the power to do something and create the meaning. -First, change perspective about it, and know you can solve it. It’s not about eliminating all problems, it’s about finding what is worthwhile to you. -Inhale the good shit and exhale the bad shit. It really works. Greek philosopher said: A man who thinks he knows everything learns nothing. If you think you know everything that’s true in life and about your life… you’ll never grow and learn and be open to adventures. Think… I know what I know today but I know that all that could change tomorrow. It’s liberating to constantly question. The high school pimple story! Often what we relive over and over is stuff that nobody else is thinking about… they are worrying about themselves!! And here’s the thing- if you’re out there doing things, you will not appeal to everyone. Doing anything BOLDLY can make you polarizing. But that can’t stop you. When you’re 99 and looking back- you won’t be thinking about those people. Haters gonna hate. No matter what you do- unless you sit at home and do nothing. And then you’d have judgment for that too. -You can't do anything great - or strive for anything great - without escaping the judgment of others. And you’ll turn some people off- and that’s the point. You can’t be liked by everyone. You can’t be afraid of someone telling you that you’re dumb or lame. Giving too many fucks can kill you mentally. Lindsay did a podcast about LESS and I love that and I think it goes with this. Lindsay is working on making her life more simple, and with that is, letting go!!! Letting go of stuff and letting go of thoughts. Know what’s important to you and exercise your mental strength. And if something pisses you off- stop reading it, stop listening to it. You have more control than you think! You choose what you consume! Let go of anything that doesn’t matter. That’s it.