212. How To Be Awesome At Turning A Bad Day Into A Character Building Day
How To Be Awesome At Everything - A podcast by Lindsay Dickhout
-Struggling SUCKS but it’s also what makes us stronger. -One of Lindsay’s favorite quotes is… Strength grows in the moments when you think you cannot go on but you keep going anyway. -It’s like how they say Billionaires kids have it the hardest. Which sounds crazy but makes sense - if you’ve got it all - what’s there to work for. And with very little struggles, how to you get strong and tough and independent? -Struggle makes us stronger. Bottom line. Here are ways working through a BAD DAY can build character: -Makes you more resourceful -Helps you prioritize and realize what matters most -More confident in your ability to weather the storms - it’s all about self esteem!! -Helps you stay grounded -Helps you to understand and help others