260. How To Be Awesome When You Feel Lost
How To Be Awesome At Everything - A podcast by Lindsay Dickhout
We all have times in our lives when we feel lost or in a hard transition time… we aren’t sure what our purpose is or we have a lack or goals or passions. We can feel lost in one aspect of our lives or sort of lost in general. Maybe it’s a feeling of overwhelm or underwhelm or both! Today, we’re talking about what to do when you feel lost… in one aspect of life or the total picture. We’re breaking it down and not making it harder than it actually is to get through it. Here are the steps that have served me best: Figure out what you want Figure out how to get it Get the right mindset Get the right skillset Get the right habits in place Be willing to make adjustments And just keep going. Let’s talk about the ways people can feel lost in different stages of life… Career Major life transitions Money stress Unclear goals Breakup 1. Figure out what you want Hard part 2. Figure out how to get it Easy part Find someone who’s already got it - and reverse engineer what they did Who knows the path? Then do the work. 3. Figure out the daily habits it will take to get there Show me your habits and I’ll tell you what your life looks like in 6 months or one year. 4. Make adjustments Don’t be afraid to change - evyerhing will stay the same if you don’t And don’t be afraid to change as you go - you can’t be so set in your plan that you don’t see what needs to be adjusted as you go. 5. Just keep going Dont make it harder than it needs to be Get in the right mindset Get the right skillset Get the right habits in place Figure out what it is, find people who have done it, make a plan, do the work. FOCUS on this thing right when you wake up and before you go to bed. Change can be slow, but with this plan, you’ll get there. Cheers to figuring out what you want and going and getting it!