263. How To Be Awesome At Making Decisions Based On The 90 Year Old You
How To Be Awesome At Everything - A podcast by Lindsay Dickhout
We don’t get to split test life right - so we can’t see what it looks like if we take the job or start the business… or if we marry this person vs. this person… But the idea of picturing yourself at 90 years old is to me - the absolute best way to make decisions. Because it’s you as you are at 90, versus what you could have been. It’s the ultimate motivator to really figure out what fulfillment and success and happiness means to you- not what is considered the society norm or what your family or friend group think… And the best part of this, at age 90, you won’t care at all what anyone thinks. They’re all 90 too and the question will be, did you do the best you could with what you had? Did you run life on autopilot for most of the time or did you really live life fully and take risks and enjoy the moments. And risk is so much easier when you look at it this way. You have the pain of taking the risk and doing the hard thing, or you have the pain of not knowing what could have been. I’ll take the first all day. Decisions can be hard- both the big life decisions and the daily habits that we have… but I think if you position your decision making like you’re 90 and looking back at the choices you made, I think you’ll make the best decisions possible. Because the things that we get caught up now, just won’t matter if we pan out to the big picture. This is a game of you vs. the potential you. The best content that inspired this topic is from Gary Vee and Alex Hormozi. Like most podcasts, I learn from reading and watching and these two are the best at this! Gary Vee says - regret is poison. He says ask yourself... What will you regret least when you’re 90? I always think about the 90 year old version of myself. Let’s use that as our basis. The more you think like this, the easier it gets. As you practice making decisions based on your own standards, the easier it gets!! Live the life you want. Wear what you want to wear, date who you want to date, The freedom to fail is more fulfilling then walking through on autopilot - living under these standards that other people live by. People say- I can’t quit my job - no but you actually can. You just worry about what other people think of it. Don’t follow what most people do or you’ll have what most people have. It feels safe but it’s a bad decision. The sad reality is that most people are unhappy or unhealthy or unhappy in their relationship etc. The best way to guarantee a life you don’t want is to do what everyone else does. Unless you want what everyone else has which nobody does. Think for yourself - it’s hard at the beginning - this is how we’ve been sitting!! What our parents think, what your friends do… when you first do it, it feels so scary. But the reality is, all that matters is you vs. the potential you. You at 90 vs. you at 90 with what you could have been. We put so much weight on what other people think is success or what they do - where they work etc. Often when people are most proud of you - isn’t when you’re the happiest!! When you’re in a good job that you hate. I’ve done this so much - I just know what I want and it’s done. The timeline is compressed. The bigger the wall is, you can then use that as evidence for the next wall. Well that one worked, let’s do what I want again, let’s go. The bigger the dragon is you have to slay, the more confidence you get from it. It will give you the reinforcement you need for the future ones. Living in the present - be mindful of your relationships today. We focus so much on past and future, what about what is right in front of you. This idea also helps you really slow down and soak in the moments The so delish cup of warm coffee- get in your 10s!! Like waves crashing on your feet and sand in your toes. Learn from your mistakes- see them as lessons - and move on. The whole thing is a way to help you life fully - by taking cation and pursue your passions and making decisions that align with what YOU actually want - not what standards other people have set. It’s about living fully and the best version of you - according to you. Make the most out of each day, do the things you love with the people you love. CHEERS to living fully so you wake up as a 90 year old one day, without regrets and knowing you lived your life to your fullest potential.