307. How To Be Awesome At Creating A Special Connection With Each Child
How To Be Awesome At Everything - A podcast by Lindsay Dickhout
Whether you have one kid or 5 kids or you don’t have kids but plan to one day… this podcast episode is filled with ideas for you to really connect with each child - starting at any age. Life is busy and the months go by quickly. I’ve learned just how important it is to slow down and be mindful of the relationship and connection that you have with each child and how it changes as they get older. My goal in this episode is to give you lots of ideas of ways to really connect and stay connected with your child. Ideas that will really get you thinking about how you can insert the best ideas for you, into your daily lives. I believe so much that an extra ordinary life comes largely from taking ordinary moments and making them extra ordinary and this episode is filled with so many ways to do just that with your babies. **Lots of ideas… 1:1 time consistently Leave out something to do together (book or football etc) Do what they are interested in Ask questions that are open ended and curious Show your love in the way that resonates most with them Celebrate tiny wins- things you wouldn’t normally celebrate Learn a new skill together Share a hobby Create traditions with each child (ex: Sunday am pancakes) Work together on a charity project Frame pictures of them that represent special accomplishments or moments Projects that live on like a time capsule (digital or actual) Dream day together - make a list, look forward to it, do all of the things on the list Plan dream playdate together for their friends Plan their birthday parties together Start a small business, podcast or blog together Go on walks after dinner - low pressure environment Make a seasonal bucket list (summer bucket list to go zip lining etc) LAUGH! Plan vacations / adventures **With each kid have a… TRADITION once a week or once a year SONG that is theirs/yours THING that is yours (star, magic, champion etc) OUTING to look forward to **Things to avoid… Always solving everything for them Dividing your time with technology Be curious and not judgmental Allow them space to fully be who they are **How we can use what we know about habits to make this all happen! Anchor to exiting (after brushing your teeth..) Start tiny - 2 minutes of something Focus on behavior, not outcomes Be flexible - helps you be consistent Change your physical space Just start- build on small wins - momentum Focus on doing, not perfection CHEERS to having the most awesome connections with your awesome kids!