The "God Metric" at the Center of Your Change Strategy Ep1

How to Save the World | The Psychology & Science of Environmental Behavior - A podcast by Katie Patrick

Here’s the problem: Many people start projects without understanding much about what it is they are trying to change in the world. I mean, they don’t look into the data about their problem. You may have heard the saying, “If you can’t measure it, it probably doesn’t exist.” That’s well and good for scientists, but what does this mean for social-change entrepreneurs, world changers, and designers? Or creative people in general? The brutally honest truth is: if we can’t measure the impact we are having on the world, we probably aren’t having any at all. Let this sink in for a moment: Despite your best intentions, you may very well not be making any meaningful impact on the world. Sign up to join the live group calls at Follow Naomi Augustine-Yee Twitter @GST_naomi LinkedIn Follow Katie Patrick Get a copy of How to Save the World on Amazon Twitter @katiepatrick Instagram @katiepatrickhello LinkedIn Support the podcast Contribute a monthly donation at to help me continue to make these episodes possible. Thank you to Jordan, Nader, Mike, Gary, Alex, Ben, Dee, and Ian for contributing! Xx