When Public Disclosure of Data Does the Change for You, Harvard Professor Archon Fung PhD Ep16

How to Save the World | The Psychology & Science of Environmental Behavior - A podcast by Katie Patrick

You can easily see the number of calories in your peanut butter and your car’s safety rating. But this publicly available data comes from hard-won battles - and the numbers behind many of our most crucial issues in healthcare, environment, and finance are either under lock and key -  or they are simply not even measured. In this month’s podcast episode I interview Harvard University Professor Archon Fung Ph.D. about what happens when we turn important data that is often hidden and contentious into a publicly available resource for the world to see.  Sign up to join the live group "Fitbit for the Planet" calls at katiepatrick.com/fitbit Follow Katie Patrick Get a copy of How to Save the World on Amazon katiepatrick.com Twitter @katiepatrick Instagram @katiepatrickhello LinkedIn Support the podcast Contribute a monthly donation at patreon.com/katiepatrick to help me continue to make these episodes possible. Thank you to Jordan, Nader, Mike, Gary, Alex, Ben, Dee, and Ian for contributing! Xx