Facebook: Delivering on the Promise of People Analytics

HR Leaders - A podcast by Chris Rainey


In this episode of the HR Leaders podcast we are joined by my guest, Alexis Fink VP, People Analytics & Workforce Strategy. Special thanks to our friends at Avature for supporting the show!  Episode highlights [02:32] - What is it about people analytics that's kept you engage all this time? [04:38] - How does a 7 year old get into coding? [15:48] - What problems can we solve with people analytics? [08:19] - Small wins: How to we get started with people analytics [11:13] - What are the common mistakes you've seen in regards to analytics? [13:30] - Your proud of your analytics team, can you tell me more? [15:30] - What does a typical day look like for you? [17:04] - The art of story telling and presenting data [21:09] - How often do you review your function? [22:39] - How do you access new technology like partnering with vendors? [25:51] - Without an adoption strategy every dashboard is just another HR tool [30:03] - HR Leaders Quickfire round [31:29] - Advice for you Enjoying our content? Access the shows resources and get access to future episodes first by Subscribing to HR Leaders: www.hrdleaders.com/podcast See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.