Episode 30: 22 year old lives in his van at a commuter carpark in a massive city



EPISODE 30: 22 year old lives in a van at a  commuter carpark in a massive city.  Want to know what it is like to live full-time in a van at a commuter carpark in a massive city? We’ll tune into this episode to hear how Marc, a 22 year old beauty rocks it out! Marc, a vanlifer of 6 months, lives both worlds with grace. He lives in his van in the city of Sydney, Australia where he teaches music at a school and does graphic design. Marc shares his unique story of feeling lost, stuck, and depressed within his old life only to find his independence and true self from living in a van. He went from living in his parents house to finding the van of his dreams, a Toyota Hiace, and moving fully into it with ease. Marc shares with us his raw experience of battling severe depression and anxiety and how he overcame it. It was really special sitting with Marc and having the tough discussions of privilege, mental health, independence, societal expectations, and hearing Marc say “these 6 months have been the happiest of my life”. This episode brought to light just how profound this lifestyle can be for people. Again, a perfect reminder of how #vanlife is so much more than just the vans, a pretty view, and a life full of travel.  If you want to support this podcast leave a comment & review on Apple Podcast.  Love & gratitude,  Nikky  Sound by @nathan_tomsic