Jesus is Healer // Jesus (Part 7)

HungryGen - A podcast by HungryGen

This week, Pastor Vlad continues his series on Jesus with a message titled, "Jesus is the Healer". In this sermon, he shares some enlightening thoughts on the subject of healing and divine health. Sermon Notes Healing mentioned 138 times in the Bible. Healing makes 1/5 of gospel. First healing happened in the Bible when Abraham prayed for Abimelechs wives and God healed them (Gen. 20:17). Principles of the kingdom bring divine health. Power of the kingdom bring divine healing I. THE BASIS OF HEALING: 1. His nature. (Ex.15:26). Healing is not just something God does, it’s Someone He is. Faith is in the Healer, not just a healing (2 Tim.1:12) 2. His desire. (Luke 5:12-13; Mt.14:14). His character does not change with time (Heb.13:8) 3. His cross. (Mt.8:16-17) II. THE CULTURE OF HEALING 1. God wants to heal everyone. (Ps.103:1-3; Mt.9:35) 2. When healing does not come, prayer & fast (Mark 9:29). Don’t blame God, don’t blame the person who did not get healed. Seek greater breakthrough in pryer and fasting. Don’t take it personally. 3. Learn from those who see miracles. You have to connect to collect and anointing by association. 4. Take risks by praying for people and expecting testimonies. 5. Difference between healing and miracles. Healing is progressive, miracle is instant. III. THE WAYS OF HEALING 1. Word of God (Ps.107:20) 2. Testimonies (Rev.19:10) 3. Holy objects (Acts 19:12) a. Communion (1 Cor.11:27-30) b. Anointing Oil (Mark 6:13; James 5:14-16) c. Handkerchiefs (Acts 19:12) d. Water (2 Kings 5; John 5) 4. Prayer of faith (James 5:15) 5. Anointed atmosphere (Luke 5:17) 6. Word of knowledge (1 Cor.12:8) 7. Deliverance (Luke 13:12; Acts 10:38) Prayer Points: 1. Son of David have mercy on me. Let Your mercy and favor speak for me. 2. The same Holy Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead quickens my mortal body. Jehovah Rapha is my covenant healer, and with the stripes of Jesus, I was and am healed. 3. Whatever God has not planted in my body, get out and be disgraced now. 4. Every agent of sickness working against my health disappear, in the name of Jesus. 5. I release miracles of healing in my body in the name of Jesus. I believe God for miracles of healing in my life and in my family wherever I go in Jesus’s name. Pastor Vlad released a new book "BREAK FREE", available on iBooks, Amazon, Kindle, Audible and everywhere books are sold. For more information: Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to his blog: Invite Pastor Vlad to speak