79. Learn how to read labels and choose healthy supplements.

HYDRATE with Tracy Duhs - A podcast by Tracy Duhs

I had a lot of fun rapping with Illie or as you may call her @healthIllie.  Illie founded Live Heathillie after years of struggling with common symptoms like bloating, migraines, eczema, acne, fatigue and more. Although common, she knew they weren't normal and I was eager to get to the source. She started her fitness journey at the age of 20 and worked in some of New York's most well respected gyms. She was physically fit, counted calories/macros and enjoyed life.  Not too long later at the age of 23, She started noticing her health taking a turn. Suffering from chronic migraines, hormonal acne, terrible bloating after every meal, heavy painful periods, eczema on her face and legs, the list goes on. She went to endless doctors and specialists and every single one wanted to put her on medication, topical steroids, antibiotics - you name it. After being neglected by doctors for years, Illie decided to do her own research into holistic practices.  She soon realized she was being exposed to hundreds of environmental toxins, endocrine disruptors and gut irritators in her everyday products and her body couldn’t keep up. Products she trusted to contribute to her health, like protein, candles, skincare and teas, were riddled with plastics, gums, unknown additives, fillers and more. After searching the internet high and low for trusted sites to buy cleaner swaps, Illie found herself ordering from so many different sites, she really wanted one place for everything and Live Healthillie was soon born.  As a holistic health coach and certified personal trainer, Illie is passionate about health and will always advocate for the cleanest ingredients. Enjoy learning from Illie, how to advocate for your own health, how to read labels and how to read between the hidden blanket term “natural flavoring.” 4:45 Many people are sold what they're told by big marketing campaigns. How Illie was inspired to become a health influencer 6:00 Illie started looking great using conventional protein shakes and pre workouts. She did what she was told and it worked until it didn’t. 7:01 healthy labs 🧪 but feeling ill. Chronic migraines and inflammation. She wanted to know more. Why??? Illie wanted to know the root and started reading the label of her supplements! 10:58 Are we being sold an image of health or true health in the supplement industry? What is the truth? 12:58 Illie explains HOW you can practically become an advocate for your own health and filter through marketing BS. HOW TO READ LABELS. 21:03 What’s up with natural flavoring? What is natural flavoring? How do we find out when it’s not described on the label? Are companies hiding undesirable ingredients under the blanket term “natural flavoring.”? 40:47 What is food and non food? What’s healthy for one may or may not resonate with another person. 42:36 Is wheat unhealthy for everyone? Sourcing of ingredients and preparation is everything. 52:49 What is intuitive eating? 57:52 Flavor scientists and the way food is manipulated to create addictions. Website - https://livehealthillie.com/ IG - @healthillie