I Am Coming To The Cross

Hymns Free - A podcast by Shiloh Worship Music


Words: William McDonald, 1870, Public Domain: “The hymn was written in 1870 in the city of Brooklyn, New York, while I was pastor in that city. I had felt the need of a hymn to aid seekers of heart purity while at the altar. I had desired something, simple in expression, true to experience and ending in the full­ess of love. The tune composed by Mr. Fischer, with the first two lines of the chorus, I had seen, and was much pleased with their simplicityy. And as I was sitting in my study one day, the line of thought came rushing into my mind, and I began to write, and in a few minutes the hymn was on paper.” William McDonald, 1870 It was first sung at aNational Camp­meeting, June 22, 1870. The words were first published in The American Bapt­st Praise Book, 1871. Music: William G. Fischer, 1870 1. I am coming to the cross;
I am poor, and weak, and blind;
I am counting all but dross;
I shall full salvation find. ◦ I am trusting, Lord, in Thee,
Blessed Lamb of Calvary;
Humbly at Thy cross I bow,
  Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2. Long my heart has sighed for Thee;
Long has evil dwelt within;
Jesus sweetly speaks to me,
“I will cleanse you from all sin. 3. Here I give my all to Thee—
Friends and time and earthly store,
Soul and body Thine to be—
Wholly Thine forevermore. 1. In the promises I trust;
Now I feel the blood applied;
I am prostrate in the dust;
I with Christ am crucified. © 2012 Shiloh Worship Music COPY FREELY;This Music is copyrighted to prevent misuse, however,permission is granted for non-commercial copying-Radio play permitted- www.shilohworshipmusic.com 1. 我今來就主十架,
惟主恩是我所需。 ◦ 我今來投靠救主,
拯救我脫離滅亡。 2. 我久慕救主恩典,
『你罪孽,我必除掉。』 3. 主已來充滿我心,
祂救贖使我完全。 ◦ 感謝主,我已蒙恩,
眼明亮,願跟主走。 4. 我在此獻上所有: