167 - Become More Confident Hypnosis

Becoming Mentally Healthy by Paula Sweet at Absolute Mind - A podcast by Paula Sweet

Welcome to today's podcast which is all about becoming more confident. I have chosen this subject again as its something I see on a regular basis and have seen crop up in my facebook group Absolute Woman.  Living with a lack if confidence can have such a big impact on your life on a daily basis, why not break free from such a debilitating issue and become more confident today! If you like these podcasts and want to help keep me motivated and help other people find me then please do leave a review, the more reviews the more likely I am to be found by people who may need these types of podcasts. You can also stay connected with me on my instagram account where I update daily with stories and photos so give me a follow and stay in touch :0)  https://www.instagram.com/paula_sweet_absolute_woman/ Ladies, I have also created a facebook group just for women, its a platform for accountability, support, motivation, health tips, organisational tips you name it its on there and if its not give me a shout tell me what you want :0) so check that one out too  https://www.facebook.com/groups/AbsoluteWoman