274 - Take Charge Of Your Mental Health - Challenge Week 1

Becoming Mentally Healthy by Paula Sweet at Absolute Mind - A podcast by Paula Sweet

Welcome to a transformative episode of "Your Absolute Mind." Today I wanted to challenge the notion of mental health as an uncontrollable force, shedding light on our potential influence over it. Our mental health isn't just a product of uncontrollable factors; our habits, activities, and lifestyle choices play a pivotal role too. With an insightful garden analogy, I hope to inspire you to take proactive steps towards nurturing your mental wellbeing. The episode concludes with a simple yet impactful hydration challenge that underscores the power of small, consistent actions. So, join me on this empowering journey towards mental wellness, where you aren't just a passenger, but an active participant. And, I'll run another small but powerful challenge each week for the next 5 weeks giving you small steps to become mentally healthy.