Hailie Deegan: Embracing The Villain Role | I AM NASCAR With BRANDON MARSHALL and MORE

I Am Athlete - A podcast by Brandon Marshall - Mondays

I AM NASCAR | SEASON 2: EPISODE 4Professional stock car racing driver, Hailie Deegan joins Brandon Marshall, Chad Johnson, Channing Crowder in episode 4 of I AM NASCAR. The four discuss everything from Racing, YouTube, and being a Villain.Starting the conversation off Brandon asks Hailie the burning question of how it feels to be a female driver in NASCAR. Haile responds that starting out there was a natural expectation for her to fail from other male drivers. She goes on and shares that her entire life she had to earn respect form fellow male drivers but she enjoys the satisfaction of proving them wrong on the track.Hailie discusses how she developed her passion for racing at an early age and what it was like growing up as the daughter of Brian Deegan. Brian is the most decorated Freestyle Motocross rider in X Games history. Channing acknowledges Hailie only being 19 years old and that at that age he was enjoying his youth and partying. Hailie explains that her focus is on racing because it is all she ever wanted to do. She goes on to share her love for creating YouTube content and using it as an outlet outside of racing. Wrapping things up Chad gifts Hailie the advice of enjoying the journey while embracing the role as the Villain in racing.  I AM ATHLETE:Official Site: https://iamathletetv.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/iamathleteInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamathletepodcast/Twitter: https://twitter.com/IAMATHLETEpodTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iamathlete_podcast?HOUSE OF ATHLETE:Official Site: https://houseofathlete.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseofathlete/?utm_medium=copy_linkFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/houseofathleteApparel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/houseofathleteapparel/?utm_medium=copy_link#IAANascar#IAMATHLETE#BrandonMarshall#ChadJohnson#ChanningCrowder#HailieDeegan#MoreThanAPodcast