Does the Resurrection of Jesus Prove He is the Jewish Messiah? with Eric Chabot

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST - A podcast by Dr. Frank Turek

If Jesus rose from the dead, wouldn't that also demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the Messianic prophecies were about Him? Even if you can convince an orthodox Jew that the resurrection actually happened, it still may not be enough to persuade them that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. Where exactly is the disconnect and why do so many Jews (and even Christians) have trouble detecting the link between these prophecies and the events described in the Gospels? This week, Frank invites Eric Chabot, author of the book 'The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah', and contributor to the new book, 'Faith Examined', to explore the Old Testament's references to the Messiah and the great significance of the literary theme of the third day throughout the Scriptures. Serving as the chapter leader of Ratio Christi at The Ohio State University, Eric will share how Ratio Christi is reaching college students with the Gospel on his local campus and also touch on why there is a Jewish aversion to accepting Jesus as the Messiah. During their conversation, Frank and Eric will answer questions like: What strategies does Ratio Christi use to engage students on The Ohio State campus? How has the attitude towards religion shifted in recent years at Ohio State? Why do Jews often avoid Isaiah 53? What's so special about 1 Corinthians 15? Do Messianic prophecies specifically promise that the Messiah will rise from the dead? What is the commonality between Jews who had previously claimed to be the Messiah prior to Jesus? As you'll hear during this midweek podcast episode, key passages from the Old and New Testaments include symbolism, typology, and metaphors, all pointing to the reality that Jesus meets all of the qualifications of the Jewish Messiah. Because of his background growing up in a Jewish community, Eric has a passion for drawing Jewish people to Christ and has used these clues from the Scriptures to foster meaningful conversations with people in that demographic. If you want to dig deeper into the significance of the Messianic prophecies, be sure to pick up a copy of Eric's book 'The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah' and also read his chapter on this topic in the new book written by CIA graduates called 'Faith Examined: New Arguments for Persistent Questions, Essays in Honor of Dr. Frank Turek.' To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. You can also SUPPORT THE PODCAST HERE. RESOURCES MENTIONED DURING THE EPISODE: Faith Examined book: The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah: