Is Atheism Dead? | with Eric Metaxas

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST - A podcast by Dr. Frank Turek

Best-selling author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer, Luther, Amazing Grace, Miracles) joins Frank to reveal highlights of his new book Is Atheism Dead? Eric covers the discoveries pointing to God from science and archaeology, and he does so by telling the stories leading to these momentous discoveries. It’s a delightful read, and it shows how much the script has flipped from science points away from God to now science strongly pointing toward God. On the podcast, Frank and Eric discuss the Big Bang, the fine-tuning of the universe, and the utter futility of trying to find a natural cause for the first life. The universe and life provide compelling evidence for supreme intelligence. They also cite a few of the more prominent archaeological finds, including the home of Jesus and Mary in Nazareth which was just discovered last year. Get the book here: If you want to send us a question for the show, please email us at [email protected]. Subscribe on iTunes: Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Stitcher: