Is It Ever OK for Christians to Mock Others? | with Seth Dillon of The Babylon Bee

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST - A podcast by Dr. Frank Turek

Should Christians incorporate humor or even mockery into their apologetics? The idea of poking fun at another person's worldview may seem offensive to some. But would you believe that the prophet Elijah and even Jesus Himself used mockery on certain occasions? With so much absurdity running rampant in our society, could humor be a part of the solution? This week, CEO of The Babylon Bee, Seth Dillon, joins the podcast to talk about faith, politics, and the importance of free speech. As Frank interviews Seth, you'll hear about Seth's personal journey to faith, and how he came to be the CEO of the popular Christian news satire website lovingly dubbed "the definitive source of fake news you can trust". In this episode, Frank and Seth answer questions like: Should satire be used as a means to purposely offend people? How has The Babylon Bee managed to draw a non-Christian audience? Why is humor such an effective tool in evangelism? How did The Babylon Bee become friends with Elon Musk? What are the dangers of censorship and why should Christians combat it?   Between Twitter jail and a recent dust up between DeSantis and Trump, The Babylon Bee has ruffled quite a few feathers along the way. Yet they are unrelenting in challenging their audience to reflect on the flaws within our modern culture. This unofficial ministry of mockery has managed to break down barriers through its comedic flare, winning the laughs of Christians and planting seeds of truth in people who would never step foot inside a church! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST, join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into great discussions with like-minded Christians while providing financial support for our ministry. Pre-Order the NEW Book 'The Babylon Bee Guide to Gender':