Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection?

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST - A podcast by Dr. Frank Turek

Science is often viewed as the standard to determine all truth, which begs the question, does science even have the ability to do that? During last week’s episode, Frank walked us through the S.U.R.E. acronym, a simple way to remember four scientific arguments that prove the universe had a beginning and came into existence out of nothing. As a follow up, Frank interacts with a listener’s question regarding science and the resurrection. Science is an extremely valuable tool, particularly in the world of apologetics. But should we use it in an attempt to prove the resurrection occurred? In this episode, Frank addresses questions like: What is scientism and what are its pitfalls? What is the principle of uniformity? How does forensic science differ from empirical science? What is a category mistake? Do we need the Bible to prove the resurrection? Can you give scientific evidence for a historical event? Does science depend on philosophy? Using science to determine history doesn’t quite work. And by the end of this podcast, you’ll understand why! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry. If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to [email protected]. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Stitcher:   Download Transcript