Where is the Real Mt. Sinai? | with Tim Mahoney

I Don't Have Enough FAITH to Be an ATHEIST - A podcast by Dr. Frank Turek

Is there any evidence for the Exodus? Where is the real Mount Sinai? Our Bible maps and traditional Bible scholars think that the issue is settled, but does what they say match up with what we see? Investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney has been searching for the true location of Mount Sinai for over 20 years. The Bible records that at Sinai, God made a covenant with Moses and the Israelites and gave them the Ten Commandments. While the majority of scholars continue to favor the traditional site of Jebel Musa (the mountain of Moses) in the southern Sinai Peninsula as the true location of Mount Sinai, many believe that the lack of evidence at that location gives us good reason to think again. In fact, some scholars question whether these events happened at all! In this episode, Frank talks with Tim about his new film, 'Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai: Part 1' where Tim investigates three of the six most popular locations proposed for Mount Sinai in an effort to pinpoint the mountain's true location. The film debuts in theaters this Monday and Tuesday (10/17-18) and is a truly interactive experience! Viewers are encouraged to put on their thinking caps and fill out their own scorecards to examine the "patterns of evidence" and come to their own conclusions on which mountain best fits the biblical criteria. You can find theater and ticket information on Tim's website, PatternsOfEvidence.com. Tim and Frank also discuss how the traditional location of Mt. Sinai was established, why finding the location of Midian is an important clue to finding the location of Mount Sinai, and why modern scholarship might be wary of finding the true location. Fascinating stuff! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST, and catch the BONUS INTERVIEW with Tim Mahoney, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It's the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians without fear of being canceled by your friends, family, co-workers, or boss! Tim's website: https://patternsofevidence.com/ Movie + ticket information: https://bit.ly/3MEz7yI Download scorecard: https://bit.ly/3g9yeSz If you would like to submit a question to be answered on the show, please email your question to [email protected]. Subscribe on Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/CrossExamined_Podcast Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: https://cutt.ly/0E2eua9 Subscribe on Spotify: http://bit.ly/CrossExaminedOfficial_Podcast Subscribe on Stitcher: http://bit.ly/CE_Podcast_Stitcher   Download Transcript