Beneath the Silent Heavens (ft. Jonathan Geltner & Gregorio Montejo)
I Might Believe in Faeries - A podcast by Aaron Irber

Both Jonathan Geltner (Absolute Music) and Gregorio Montejo (In a Green Tree) return as guests to discuss the 2019 book, Beneath the Silent Heavens, by Brian Christopher Moore. Nested in the discussion of the book, we also discussed typology vs allegory, Noe's Ark, Medieval Mystery Plays, the Welsh poet David Jones, the French poet Charles Péguy, the American tale tellers R. A. Lafferty, Gene Wolfe and Tim Powers, and what makes good fantasy. What does make good fantasy anyway? Seriously, we covered a lot in this one, so don't miss it! Brian Moore's Links: Beneath the Silent Heavens Angelico Press Christ the Symphonic Adventure Substack ************************************************************************************************************* Follow me on Twitter @AaronIrber Donate to my Patreon - I Might Believe in Faeries Like my Facebook page - I Might Believe in Faeries Battle Of The Creek by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Logo Art by Linnea Kisby *************************************************************************************************************