IMBIF Book Club 5 - A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
I Might Believe in Faeries - A podcast by Aaron Irber

The 2024 book club continues! In this episode, we discuss A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. This book is a classic science fiction story and a masterpiece. Miller explores a post-apocalyptic America through the eyes of an order of Catholic monks in the Utah desert. These monks try to keep the flame of knowledge alive by preserving and copying ancient manuscripts while the rest of the world emerges from brutal, tribal savagery. Mutants! Immortals! Bicephalous Tomato Women! This story has everything that might satisfy any doomsday prepper. ************************************************************************************************************* Follow me on Twitter @AaronIrber Subscribe to my Substack - for updates on the show, essays, and more! Donate to my Patreon - I Might Believe in Faeries Like my Facebook page - I Might Believe in Faeries Battle Of The Creek by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Logo Art by Linnea Kisby *************************************************************************************************************