On Survival

I Survived Theatre School - A podcast by Jen Bosworth Ramirez and Gina Pulice


Intro: rain in LA, Nine Perfect Strangers, we're worried about Nicole Kidman and Madonna, The Way Down documentary, The Plot Thickens podcast, GleeLet Me Run This By You: antisemitism Interview: Jen and Gina talk about survival, itself.FULL TRANSCRIPT (unedited):1 (8s):And Jen Bosworth wrote me this and I'm Gina <inaudible>. We went to theater school together. We survived it, but we didn't quite understand it. 20 years later, we're digging deep talking to our guests about their experiences and trying to make sense of it all. We survived theater school and you will too. Are we famous yet? Yeah. Stay happy yesterday birthday. Was it a good day? It was a good day. You know, I think the coolest part of yesterday was we had crazy thunderstorms, like crazy for LA.1 (50s):Like I was like, is that thunder? What in the crazy thunderstorms, which we never obviously having the desert. So, or in LA the thing that's come, the episodes that's coming out today, you specifically referenced how there's never any vendor's derms in LA. That's really funny. So, yeah, so it was a very chill day. In a lot of ways. I spent a lot of time. My cousin came from San Francisco and she stays at the, she stayed at a Sheraton hotel and we, I woke up, I usually had Mondays, I take my, like a sunrise hike, but I just wasn't feeling it.1 (1m 30s):I was really tired. And so I just laid around and then I went to my favorite cafe that I recently discovered called superba. And then I like it. And then I hung out with my cousin and we literally like went to my favorite restaurant, which is tender greens. Do you guys have tender greens over there? No, it sounds, this sounds like a great salad place, salads and bowls. So my thing is like, I get really resentful. If I sometimes just eat a salad, I need like a grain to go with my salad. I'm like, I don't want just a salad. So they have these sort of grain and salad bowls with meat and say, or like salmon chicken or veggie or a steak.1 (2m 18s):And so I, it was delicious. It's like my favorite. So overpriced, it's so ridiculous for a fast food place, but whatever it's health, it's pretty healthy. And that was amazing. And then yeah, then around like four, the skies turned really dark and I was like, what is happening? I thought it was fires. And then it just burst out and I heard thunder and I was like, what? So it was a really good day. I got some really like lovely messages. And there was that huge Facebook outage. Right? Yeah. So it was interesting in blessing the blessing Facebook outage. So my cousin asked me, she's like, well, like how is it to have no Facebook messages on your birthday?1 (3m 3s):Cause that's when people really go for it. You know, it's an interesting thing. It is kind of like, oh, but then it's also like, oh, I'm missing out. But then it is also really interesting how, right? Like it's just like going to church on Christmas. Like you go one day a year and you're like, or some people do. And then you're like, oh, I'm good for them. And so that's the same with the like happy birthday, Facebook messages. So I thought, yeah, it's just a really good, interesting thing to like, not be able one to go on social media that we all probably experienced and then to not be able to get the fix of like happy birthday, happy, you know?2 (3m 40s):Yeah. Yeah.1 (3m 41s):It's an interesting psychological situation. So it was, it was, do they know why it went down?2 (3m 48s):Oh yes, girl. I read the most, I loved this. This is, I mean, I'm sorry to say it, but it's even psychological. This thing that happens. So face book now I I'm gonna say this in just the bleakest artful way. People like Bradley Walker are going to be listening to this being like, you're such a guy, but I'm going to say in a way that I would understand. So maybe other people understand too Facebook's infrastructure, their, their technological infrastructure and their servers or everything. It's all Facebook brand blitz say they don't interface really with other companies there.2 (4m 31s):They're what is that called vertical integration. It's like one stop shopping, everything that they do and produce and need and use it's all within Facebook. So that's fine, except for when there's a problem and the override. So the problem is also a Facebook entity and then the right. So they were even having the problem that they couldn't get into the server room because the key card that they needed to open the door to get into the server room was high.1 (5m 7s):Brilliant, brilliant. And it's, it does go to the same. It sort of speaks to the, the thing about pathology and addiction and stuff, which is you can't fix the problem with the same mind that created the problem or has the problem. And that's what they experienced. Oh my God.2 (5m 27s):You know, and it's like, don't be a closed loop. You know, like this is the problem with being a closed loop. I mean, I understand it like in an emotional way, I understand the desire to be a closed loop because you get into this thing of like, I can't rely on anybody else. You can only rely on myself and like, everybody else disappointed me. I'm that mark Zuckerberg has that written all over his face. Like he is such a hard on for the world. Like he has such a chip on his shoulder about like how everybody has wronged him. I feel, I mean, I don't know him, but that's just what it seems like. And so his desire to have everything be controlled by himself is understandable.2 (6m 11s):And it's, it is going to be the thing that leads to his downfall, whatever the case, whatever the downfall is, we can be sure that it has something to do with this desire to have everything, everything be within his control.1 (6m 24s):Yeah. And I think it is going to be his undoing. And I think it is like we saw yesterday and, and, and I mean, it just was such fodder for hilariousness. It was like, I literally saw a news headline that was, and I don't remember what it was some paper in London or something that said Facebook and Twitter and WhatsApp are down. Maybe you should take this opportunity to go down on someone else or something like that. It was like, <inaudible> like everything2 (6m 56s):Public library said for everybody's information. We're not down. We're still open. By the way. The thing about the storms, you can always tell, you can instantly know it's raining in LA because 1 million pictures of rain it's like ever, it's such an event. Everybody's Instagramming it,1 (7m 16s):Everyone. It's so interesting. It's like weather is so like basic, like people that were so affected by weather, even if we pretend not to be like, it's just great unifier. Yeah. And we're just, it's just an, I like it. Cause it's the great thing that like no one can control, right? Like speaking of control, like he'll, I mean, one day Elon Musk will probably figure out how to control the weather, but until then nobody can. And it's fantastic.2 (7m 43s):Speaking of Elon Musk, did you see that picture of Grimes reading? Like I'm going to spend a Festo. I read that if that should have been, that photograph should have been in the museum of camp. Like, so for people who don't know Grimes was, is this singer a woman? It's was he Elon Musk's girlfriend? And they broke up and then she's got this very, you know, obviously staged photo of herself in head to toe, whatever crazy leather with her long ass nails and her makeup reading, Karl Marx, ...