34: Hawkeye, Episodes 5-6
I Want My M(CU)TV: Talking Marvel's New TV Shows - A podcast by Kelly Guimont, Lisa Schmeiser, Lisa Melton and Nathan Alderman

Swamp Kittens, assemble! We could do this all day, or until we’ve used up all the Bahama Mama ice packs slash slushy drinks, whichever comes first. Don, Kelly, and Lisa return, in a COLOSSAL team-up with Friend of the Swamp Kittens, Nathan Alderman! In this super-sized episode, the team discusses the third act of Hawkeye, this series as it fits into the MCU, and wraps up with a gift exchange so stupendous that it breaks the internet (at least one internet and one iPad were in fact harmed during the recording of this episode)....