EPISODE 4 🌺 Worldwide Uchinanchu Student Summit (WUSS)
Ichariba Choodee: Okinawan Voices & Stories - A podcast by Mariko Middleton, Erica Kunihisa, & Tori Toguchi

Accompany co-hosts Erica and Tori as they talk with guest speakers Tadashi Andres Ysa Urbina and Andres Higa. Norly Endo is our English and Español translator for our first bilingual episode! We are grateful for Tadashi and Andres joining us because they are the creators of the Worldwide Uchinanchu Student Summit, World Uchinanchu Day on October 30th, and International Nikkei Day on June 20th. Learn with us as they share how they began their journey together and conceptualized W.U.S.S and how you can be involved in this international program ... and of course, we’ll end with our Okinawa fun fact of the day! Ippee nifee debiru to the Eisa Club of Meio University providing this episode's music.